Blood in semen page -- Prostatitis Website
Keywords for searching: blood, bloody, clots, semen, ejaculate, hematospermia
...In writing to patients, your webmaster has commented that blood in semen might be viewed about the same way one would view
blood in nasal mucus when one had a bad cold or sinus infection. It certainly is a sign of problems, but it's not thing to go into a panic
about. Good medical care is called for in any case. Blood in semen is also seen after the beginning of a series of prostate drainages.
The pressure of the drainages, and the "popping" of clogged acini, can result in some temporary bleeding as tiny blood vessels are
ruptured. Again this is worth noting, but not cause for undue alarm. Bring it up to your doctor, but don't be surprised if he or she
says not to worry about it..............
Keywords for searching: blood, bloody, clots, semen, ejaculate, hematospermia
Hematospermia - Blood In Semen?

....I went through a little frightening experience the last time I had sexual intercourse with my girlfriend. I did
not use any protection and after I ejaculated, I noticed that the sheets were stained with blood spots. At first
I thought that the blood might have come from her, but later I noticed that the stains on the sheets were
spurted from the ejaculation, confirming that the blood was from my semen. This was the first time that
something of this nature has occurred and I am really alarmed. I am 27 years old, healthy, monogamous and
am experiencing no other symptoms that are obvious.....

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